Monday, 3 March 2014

Today I got The Scream....

...on buzzfeeds 'What famous work of Art are you?'  Quite pleased with that although I'm not sure why hardly Zen is it?!

 Yesterday I took a trip down to Victoria and Albert Museum in London.  I spent a rare afternoon looking at the vast ceramics collection they have on the 6th floor.  It made me sad that there were only a handful of people who had made a point of getting up there when it was packed in the shop on the ground floor.

I was trying to pick out making and decorating techniques used in british figurative ceramics in order to inspire me on my latest most ambitious landscape only piece.  The collections are arranged in types of ware large pieces stand at the back decending to the tiny at the front.  En masse the effect is visually overwhelming ( in a good way) . 

I think most people who don't have an unhealthy obsession with these antiquated figurines would expect rows of traditional ladies with a baskets of sickly puppies but you would be very suprised what goes on up there.  Sex, domestic violence, distain, indifference and melancholy are played out amongst the fine porcelain blooms.  One piece showed a woman stabbing her husband in the head, all the more macabre by the meek smiles of static onlookers.   I became drawn in and mesmerised by some British 17 century figures of Italian Commedia dell'arte figures leaping around the cabinets.  I was struck by how contemporary they look, their expressions like the gurns and goons we post up on facebook of our friends after a good night out or how clever we think we are when we dress up at a festival.

 Finding these objects has given me hours of thinking and I have no idea how or if they will help me manefest some new work.  I do know that they are a choice ingredient to add to what is rumbling churning and swirling around in my highly confused brain right now.  Oh that's why I was The Scream

Friday, 28 February 2014

Back to the blog

I was doing a bit of research on here today and found an image of my work in an unusual place.  I think I'm going to have a crack at this blogging lark again.

Of late I've been struggling with a way forward with my work.  Outside influences including a few deaths have sent me feeling eager for a fresh start and a more serious approach. I have tried everything to get free from this artistic block. I have spent some time locked in the shed and in my head, been through my old sketch books and identifying the themes that have preoccupied me for years.  I also use walking as a way of connecting with my core. I am going to the Victoria and Albert Museum on the weekend where I will be looking at the ceramics collection and particularly glass specimen domes

The results are slowly being pulled together but the end result remains elusive. Its painful to let things go but like the pictures I have been taking in the woods new growth and progress are inevitable.